The Leonardo Collection Large Busy Bees Gin/Cocktail Glass Goblet 600ml

  • Very pretty Gin Glass from Jennifer Rose, part of the Busy Bees range, featuring Bees and flowers.
  • The large 600ml glass features a delicate flowers at the base; comes complete in an attractive gift box.
  • The perfect glass for springs/summer or ideal as a gift for Mothers Day, Weddings or Christmas.
  • Not Dishwasher Safe
  • Hand wash Only
Very pretty Gin Glass from Jennifer Rose, part of the Busy Bees Collection, featuring an array of Bees and flowers.

The perfect glass for springs/summer or ideal as a gift for Mothers Day, Weddings or Christmas.

Handwash only, not suitable for dishwashers.
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PRODUCT ID : 10084
Very pretty Gin Glass from Jennifer Rose, part of the Busy Bees Collection, featuring an array of Bees and flowers. The perfect glass for springs/summer or ideal as a gift for Mothers Day, Weddings or Christmas. Handwash only, not suitable for dishwashers.
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